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    Visualizing the Census of Marine Life
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Maps and informational graphics in this gallery were created by the Census of Marine Life Mapping and Visualization Team and other Census groups where noted. Non-commercial use by permission.

The Census of Marine Life was a global network of researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans.  The world's first comprehensive census of the past, present, and future of life in the oceans was released in October 2010.


National Geographic and the Census

National GeographicDebuting at the October 2010 release of the first Census of Marine Life in London,  the National Geographic Society is producing a wall-sized map to communicate new ways of looking at ocean life. The map is a work in progress for the moment, as the Mapping and Visualization Team and National Geographic cartographers collaborate in exploring and organizing Census data as it reaches it's final form.
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